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Writer's pictureBrittany Hollis

Know Your Worth

What is worth? Worth is the value we ascribe to something. When people say that they do not feel worthy, they are essentially saying that they don't feel that they can offer any value. Society has its own system of determining one's value. They look at things such as, "How many followers do you have? Where and how often do you travel"? Fortunately, as believers, God has a different system for determining someone's worth.

The Bible is clear on how much God value's each and every one of us:

  • Psalm 8:5 teaches us that we were made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and honor. This simply means that we are valuable.

  • Matthew 6:26 reveals to us another example of how valuable we are to God when it says ,"Consider the fowls of the air. They neither reap nor sow, yet God feeds them". He then asks, "How much more valuable to God are you than them"? In other words, God is asking us, " Do you know how important you are to me"?

You are valuable to God. Not only are you valuable to God, but you are also valuable to others. God has gifted you with talents and abilities to bless others. The issue is that we cannot always see our worth and we don't always feel worthy. The good news is our worth is determined by God. The Bible is full of examples of God showing people their worth when others could not see their worth and even when they could not see their own worth:

  • The world saw a tax collector in Levi ,but God saw a disciple. (Mark 2:13-17)

  • The world saw a drunk in Noah, but God saw a man of faith. (Genesis 9:20-21)

  • The world saw a prostitute in Rahab, but God saw a willing servant. (Joshua 2:1-24, 2:14-24)

There is a clear distinction on how society values things and how God values things. Our worth in God's eyes is seen through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. We were worth so much to God that he sacrificed His one and only son that we may live. So the next time you are feeling unworthy, remember the great sacrifice God made for you. As always, remember to stay rooted in Christ.

For a deeper study on your worth in God, check out this video:

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