We all have those things we think about doing. Those things we know we should do but we seldom get around to doing them. For example, we know we should exercise, but it so easy to miss the gym for a week. It starts with one day then we find a reason not to go the second day and before we know it, an entire week has passed by. Maybe that’s not you. How about eating healthy? We know how we need to eat, but one bad meal turns into two bad meals, and before we know it, we are drifting down a path that we never intended to be on. Here's the truth, the same thing happens when it comes to our spiritual health. We have good intentions, but life gets in our way or maybe we are just being lazy. Lazy is defined as an unwillingness to work or use energy. We don’t like to think of ourselves as lazy, but the truth is, when we fail to use energy to grow in our relationship with God, we are exercising spiritual laziness. Here a three practical ways to overcome spiritual laziness:
1.Read and meditate on one verse a day
Though I would encourage you to read more than one verse, by reading and meditating on just one verse, you keep the lines of communication open. You build a foundation. It’s like working out; it doesn't matter what you do. What matters is how consistent you are. If you are consistent, you will see will results. Same is true in your spiritual life.
2.Do one thing for someone else each day
By helping others, we fulfill our purpose in Christ (Proverbs 11:25). Putting your faith in action helps your faith to grow. It also causes you to be spiritually active.
3. Ask for help
Prayer is vital to overcoming spiritual laziness–because we are the problem. It takes a supernatural mind i.e. the mind of Christ to overcome spiritual laziness. This is why the Bible says, " let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus ( Philippians 2:5)". Your God-given purpose has to remain at the forefront of your mind if you are going to reach your God-given potential and avoid spiritual laziness.
If you do these three things, you will be equipped to combat spiritual laziness. Spiritual laziness can happen to anyone at any time, so we must always be on guard against it. The enemy wants to keep us distracted and spiritually lazy because he knows that spiritual laziness kills our effectiveness.You will never be all that God desires you to be unless you learn to combat spiritual laziness, but we must first acknowledge that it is a real thing. As always, stay rooted in God.
Verse of the week:
The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.
Proverbs 13:4 ESV