How many times have you had an idea and said to yourself, " I should have written that down?" No matter how hard we try to remember the idea, it's gone and we experience regret. Writing things down gives life to your ideas and helps information to sink in.
Writing things down is also biblical. God told Moses to write down the Ten Commandments ( Exodus 20). God told Habakkuk to write the vision and make it plain (Habakkuk 2:2).
There is something transformative that occurs when you write something down. If you are currently not in the habit of writing things down, let me share how this practice can transform your life.
Here are a few benefits of writing things down:
-When you write something down, it makes it real.
-When you write something down, it is proven that it helps you to remember it better.
- Writing things down helps you to focus on the things that are important to you.
-Writing things down enhances your Bible Study time. When you write something down, it forces you to think about what you are reading or listening to.
- Writing things down helps make you accountable to your goals.
In order to turn an idea into a plan, you first have to write it down. In order to turn that dream into a goal, you first have to write it down. So what is God prompting you to do? Write it down! What are you waiting for?
As always, stay rooted in God.
Meditation Verse:
And the LORD answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
Habakkuk 2:2 ESV
Amen! Very important to write things down!